NOTD - Ready For Fall!
7:22 PMAs you all may have seen in a previous post, I'm so ready for fall!! I love bright colors, but something is drawing me towards the rich darker colors. Do you see where I'm going with this? :o) Yes, I did more dark colors!
I picked up a few Sinful Colors during the $0.99 sale at Walgreens last week. You'll see how drawn to darker colors I am at the moment when I do my haul and nail mail posts for this month (I've decided to do 1 haul post each month and 1 nail mail post each month. We'll see if it works better for me than how I was previously doing it.) Anyway, the one color that stood out was Fig. From seeing everyone's posts on Facebook it seems that Fig was a popular color during the $0.99 sale!
The lovely Katie over at Lustrous Lacquer did a swap with me and sent me Orly's Space Cadet!! I'd been dying to use it and it seems like a perfect pairing to me! So, let's give it a shot!!
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)