
Review - Nostalgic Nail Lacquer - As If

4:48 PM

The lovely Erin over at Nostalgic Nail Lacquer sent me a fun polish to review. When I opened the package, Maggie jumped in and snagged the bottle. She kept ooooing and ahhhhing over it. I think someone is going to have a love of matte glitter like her mommy! Do you wanna see which polish she sent?! Alright, I guess I should show you... 


As if is a clear base filled with matte white bar glitter, matte black bar glitter, large matte black hex glitter, medium sized matte pink hex glitter and small matte white hex glitter.

Left to Right: 1 coat, 2 coats and 3 coats. No base coat and no top coat.

Now do you see why Maggie went so crazy over it?! I flipped when I saw it too, but I really wish I could have captured her reaction in a picture for you all. After this I knew I wanted to test it over a bunch of different pinks and some other colors. I started with my left hand and the pinks...

Left to Right: Revlon - ColorStay - Passionate Pink, Milani - NEON - Pink Hottie, Zoya - LaraNicole by OPI - All Kendall-ed Up and CoverGirl - NailSlicks - Fabulous Fuchsia

The above polishes are in order of pinkie to thumb.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Revlon - ColorStay - Passionate Pink. Passionate Pink is a perfect bubble gum pink creme. Smooth formula and beautiful color! This made a great combo, except the pink glitters get lost in the base.

1 coat of As If over 3 coats of Milani - NEON - Pink Hottie. Pink Hottie is a beautiful neon pink. I'm in love with this color and this combo! The pink polish and the pink glitter are just different enough, but it's still kinda similar but you can see the pink glitter more than with Passionate Pink. Technically I should have put this one on my pinky and Passionate Pink on this finger and then it would have been an ombre mani.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Zoya - Lara. Lara is a beautiful hot pink creme with bluish undertones to make a little on the purple side. This is a fun pairing because it's the first one where the pink glitters really stood out without having to get up close to the nail. This is my 2nd favorite combo. All the colors stand out without one overpowering the other. As If and Lara were meant to be together if you ask me.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Nicole by OPI - All Kendall-ed Up. All Kendall-ed Up is a perfect hot pink creme. It's extremely similar to Lara, but I think this one is more pink. It's a pretty combination, but I still prefer As If with Lara.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of CoverGirl - NailSlicks - Fabulous Fuchsia. Fabulous Fuchsia is just that, a fabulous fuchsia creme. This is definitely my favorite combination of the 5. Fabulous Fuchsia is dark enough that everything is visible. The glitter pieces look as though they were dancing across a fuchsia floor. So much fun! 

After testing As If on 5 pink-ish cremes I decided to test it on 5 totally different colors on my right hand. Some are unconventional, some are fun, some failed, but I thought it'd be fun. 

Left to Right: SinfulColors - Snow Me White, Wet n Wild - Wild Shine - Sparked, China Glaze - Crackle Glaze - Broken Hearted, Zoya - Robyn and Cult Nails - Nevermore.

The above polishes are shown in order of pinky to thumb.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of SinfulColors - Snow Me White. Snow Me White is a basic white creme. This was kind of fun since the white glitters disappeared against the white base, like the pink glitters did against Passionate Pink. 

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Wet n Wild - Wild Shine - Sparked. Sparked is a clear base filled to the rim with shiny, sparkly, light pink glitter. I wanted to see what it would look like over a non creme base. Didn't work out so well. Fun concept, but no thank you!

2 coats of As If under 1 coat of China Glaze - Crackle Glaze - Broken Hearted. Broken Hearted is just a hot pink creme crackle polish. This was my first experience with a crackle, and I think I picked the wrong time to start. So bad, never doing again. At least not with a glitter like this underneath.

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Zoya - Robyn.  Robyn is a bright robin's egg blue creme. This is such a fun combination. The blue really shows off the beauty of As If. It lets every piece of glitter be shown and they compliment each other so nicely! This is my favorite combo on my right hand. LOVE!

1 coat of As If over 2 coats of Cult Nails - Nevermore. Nevermore is a perfect black creme. It's practically a 1 coater, but I always prefer to do 2 to be safe. Absolutely my favorite black polish! Is it just me or does this look like sprinkles on top of chocolate ganache? mmmmm now I want a cupcake. Back to polish, I thought it was fun experimenting with the disappearing glitters, but the combination of As If and Robyn is still my favorite on this hand.

Wanna know what full mani I decided to do after testing it over all these colors?!

I opted to do the "ombre"!! Ombre is in quotes because of those 2 colors that should be swapped. 

I cleaned up my left hand and added a coat of Seche Vite. So pretty!!

My right hand when all was said and done. 

As If is a complete hit!! Goes on smoothly, no fishing for glitter or trying to organize the glitter so there isn't a bare patch on the nail. So much fun and really reminds me of my child hood and splatter paint t-shirts. Exactly why it's called Nostalgic Nail Lacquer I bet. Totally opposite of Cher and Dionne, who are from Clueless, who helped coin the the phrase "As if...". If you haven't seen it yet, you should! Good stuff! 

I don't see As If on the list of products on Nostalgic Nail Lacquer. It was a part of her Totally Buggin' Collection. I'm not sure if she is going to be restocking that collection, but she has several other beautiful polishes though! She is currently out of stock of everything, and due to some issues, it's looking like restocking might not be soon. To keep up with Nostalgic news make sure to follow Erin on Nostalgic's Facebook page. She'll keep you updated on when the shop will be restocked as well as other news. Trust me, you WON'T want to miss her restock. Absolutely lovely polishes!! 

Happy Polishing!!

Becky :o)

**Disclaimer - This product was provided to me for my honest review.**

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