
NOTD - 4th of July

1:19 PM

Recently, the darling Dahlia over at datyorkLOVES and Sassy Nails sent me a couple polishes she made. She's been playing around with polish for a little while and she has fun contests over at Sassy Nails to name the ones she makes. I helped name one of her polishes, so she decided to send it to me. She's such a sweetheart! When I got the package, I saw that she had sent me another polish she had made. This one she never asked for help naming. It was near and dear to her heart. She named it Love Life after the recent loss of her best friend. She made a touching post about him here

A warning before I show pics. She doesn't do this to sell, she does this for her own satisfaction and for fun. She let me know that the glitter sunk and/or bled and that the base was watery and thin before sending it. I wasn't worried. She wanted to send it to me. I never asked or bought them from her. We are all polish lovers here. When we make something we are excited about we want to share them. Hence all the pictures of manis around here. :o) Anyway, since the polishes she sent were blue and red, I saw an opportunity to try them for my 4th of July mani. Here's the results! 

Sassy Nails - Love Life, Julep - Kate and Sassy Nails - Smurf Puke (This is the one I named)

I'm actually really fond of this mani! It turned out great in my opinion!

On my pointer and ring fingers I did 3 coats of Julep - Kate (a slightly shimmery semi opaque white). I had issues with some air bubbles, but when I woke up this morning they were magically gone.

So weird that it was all smooth in the end.

On my pinky and middle fingers and thumbs, I started with 2 base coats of Zoya - Shay because I wasn't sure how much coverage I'd actually get. I didn't want to deal with any VNL on this holiday! (This is my favorite and go to nude polish)

Next up was 3 coats of Smurf Puke on my middle fingers. Since this was a very watery polish this had to be applied a little differently. I had to hold my finger still for a while after applying because the polish would roll around on my finger. For sinking glitter and watery base I was surprised at how much coverage I actually got with 3 thin coats. I have to say I'm really digging this, despite the having to shake the bottle every time I needed more polish/glitter on the brush.

It originally was a clear base with blue bar glitters, silver hex glitters and silver glass fleck glitters. But with the glitter bleeding, it turned it into a blue base. Smurf Puke is a lot of fun! I'll definitely be wearing it again. :o)

Next was 2 coats of Love Life on my thumbs and pinky fingers. Love Life is a coralish red base with what seem to be orange holo bar and hex glitters. Again, despite the watery base and having to shake to get the glitters to rise, it's a lot of fun and I enjoy it! It's like a firecracker! 

I wish I could have captured the shimmer the glitters have!

There you have it! My 4th of July mani! Thank you so much for your generosity, Dahlia! Keep trying, you'll get the formula right soon! <3

Hope you all have a fun and safe holiday!

Happy Polishing!!

Becky  :o)

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